6334 S. HARVEY ST, MUSKEGON, MI 49444  >>>




Genesis Church is a place to experience life change. Forgiveness, restoration, grace, and hope are all words people use to describe Genesis. Salvation decisions are common. Baptisms are frequent. Every Sunday is a celebration.

We believe Jesus changes lives, salvation is only found in Him, the Word of God is living and active, and that the church is the hope of the world.

You will be challenged to grow and encouraged to serve. Whether you are searching, newly saved, or a veteran Christian, you will constantly be pushed out of your comfort zone for the purpose of making a difference for the Kingdom of God.




We exist for one simple purpose, to help people FIND and FOLLOW Jesus. That’s it, we want the lost to be found and the found to follow.


The word “genesis” means beginning and it is our goal to provide a fresh start for people every single week. We strive to be a great place to start or start over. For those exploring or just beginning their faith journey, we are a
great place to start. For those needing a second chance, we are a great place to start over. For all of us, Genesis is a place where it’s ok to not be ok…just as long as you don’t stay that way.


We value developing and growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Each of our six core values focuses on helping us move towards becoming more Christlike while understanding that we always have another step to take in our journey with Jesus.



Genesis Church began in 2009 at Pomana Park with 29 people.  In that short period of time, we’ve seen dozens of people give their lives to Jesus Christ, hundreds take the step of baptism, and countless lives changed.  Pastor Jamey Newsted leads Genesis Church with a strong vision and passion to see those far from God filled with life in Christ.


It’s an explosive, phenomenal movement of God – something you have to see to believe.  As we focus on doing whatever it takes to help people FIND and FOLLOW Jesus, you will experience powerful worship and a God-inspired message from the Bible.  As someone recently told us, “I’m never sure what to expect when I come, I just know it’s going to be good and straight from the Bible.”



Jamey Newsted

Lead Pastor

My name is Jamey and I'm the Lead Pastor, which basically means I get paid to preach the Bible and tell people about Jesus - it's a pretty sweet gig!


When I'm not doing churchy things I love anything sports related, specifically coaching high school football and baseball. During the fall you can find me watching Michigan Football, and despite how illogical it sounds, I'm a diehard Lions fan. Where chocolate is concerned, I am always involved.

Melissa Peoples

Administrative Assistant

Hey! My name is Melissa and I am the Administrative Assistant here at Genesis Church. During office hours you can find me doing anything and everything to help the rest of the Genesis staff. I also help take care of the church website, social media, the newsletter-- you name it!


In my free time you can find me watching Disney movies, curled up with a book, or playing with my dogs Daisy and Mocha.

Tyler Newsted

Facilities Director

Hey y'all, I'm Tyler and I serve as Facilities Director at Genesis.


When I'm not at work you can find me at the gym, doing anything sports related, or sleeping.


If you have any questions or want to get plugged in, let's grab a cup of coffee and chat.

Matt Denny

Worship Director

Hi, I’m Matt and I am the Worship Director at Genesis Community Church! First and foremost, I believe that worship is far more than just singing and playing instruments on Sunday. I whole heartedly believe that worship is a lifestyle that you should embody through your actions and words every day of the week, for our God is worthy of nothing less. I also believe that music is a language and holds a special place in teaching the love of God to all who listen. 

In my spare time, you will find me spending time with my lovely wife and my amazing daughter. I also love the Detroit Red Wings and pretty much anything hockey. Oh and Summer, I LOVE summer and warm weather.

Kyle Abel

Pastor of Discipleship & Missions

I'm Kyle, and I'm the Pastor of Discipleship and Missions. My main job is to help people find and follow Jesus … and to help those followers reach out and lead others to find and follow Jesus. I love seeing people take their next steps in their journey with Jesus – whether it's joining a small group, leading a small group, joining a ministry team… or growing to become more like Jesus in their lives, their marriages and their families.


In my free time, I love spending time with my wife (Charissa) and our 3 kids. I also really enjoy watching sports, especially the Chicago Cubs and U of M football.

Hannah Abel

GenKids Director

My name is Hannah Abel, and I serve as the GenKids Director here at Genesis Church. I am a sophomore at Cornerstone University, where I study Elementary Education with an emphasis of Preschool through 6th grade. I have a passion for kids and leading them closer to Jesus! I want to help kids get started on their journey with the Lord in whatever way I can.


In my spare time, you will see me hanging out with my friends and family, reading a good book, or kayaking out on the water. If you have any questions, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out!

Brendan Lee

Youth Ministries Director

Hey, I'm Brendan and I am the Student Ministry Director here at Genesis! I'm the one who gets to hang out with your students every week and lead them through different passages of Scripture. Doesn't get better than helping lead the next generation in the way that the Lord calls us to!

If I'm not working I am most likely spending time with friends playing games or watching movies. Alongside that, I enjoy reading, writing, and drinking tea.